
lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

entrevista a nicki minaj para metta world

    Metta: Do you consider Queens the Mecca of hip hop?
    Nicki: No.
  • Metta: What's been the most annoying process when you were trying to enter the music business?
    Nicki: Having someone believe in me enough to give me a record deal
  • Metta: Have you ever been to my hood, Queensbridge?
    Nicki: Yes
  • Metta: What are your top 5 countries to perform in?
  • Metta: If you were not an entertainer, what would you be doing?
    Nicki: Being a lawyer and a mother
  • Metta: Whats your top five color lipsticks?
    Nicki: I go back and forth between nude and pink and sometimes a deep red. Those are the only 3 I'm rocking with right now.
  • Metta: Do you have matching pajamas outfits or do you just wing it?
    Nicki: I just wing it, thongs and t-shirts
  • Metta: Do you like to cook for your man or would you rather go out and eat?
    Nicki: I love cooking for my man
  • Metta: What did you think when I changed my name for two days to Metta Minaj?
    Nicki: I thought it was hilarious, it was very shocking and I loved that you had such a great sense of humor.
  • Metta: When can we see you in a blockbuster movie?
    Nicki: Hopefully within the next year and a half.

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